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Top 6 Tips on How to Drive Safely

Auto Insurance: Top 6 Tips on How to Drive Safely

As the driver behind the wheel, it is imperative that you know how to drive safely to keep yourself and others safe.

Whether you are driving alone or have passengers in tow, safe driving should be your number one priority. According to the CDC, nearly three million people are nonfatally injured in motor vehicle accidents every year. Between distractions, weather, and other outside factors, it is essential to do all you can to keep yourself and others safe on the road.

Continue reading to learn six tips on how to drive safely.

1. Wear Your Seatbelt

Before doing anything else, the first step you need to take is to fasten your seatbelt. This may seem like an obvious tip, but wearing your seatbelt is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself against the leading cause of death among 1 to 54-year-olds in the U.S.

2. Avoid Distractions

Changing the radio, doing your makeup, eating, and texting (which is at the top of our list) are all major distractions from driving. Every day in America, close to nine people are killed, and more than 1,000 are injured in crashes involving a distracted driver. Do all you can to keep your eyes on the road, hands on the wheel, and your mind on driving. Moreover, do not do anything that stops you from focusing on driving while your vehicle is moving.

3. Do Not Drive Under the Influence

Do not drink and drive, use prescription or recreational drugs and drive, or do anything else that impairs your ability to operate a vehicle and drive. Not only are you putting yourself at risk, but you are also putting everyone on the road in danger. Penalties for first-time DUI or DWI offenders can include jail time, revoked driver’s license, impounded vehicle, fines, and more.

4. Avoid Tired Driving

Fatigue can sneak up on you while you are driving. If you start getting tired at the wheel, you should stop for a quick power nap or coffee break, play loud, upbeat music, roll down your windows, talk to your passenger, or use your car phone to call a buddy.

5. Obey the Speed Limit

Always obey the posted speed limit. Driving faster than you should puts you and others at risk and is one of the leading causes of car crashes. Remember, the fastest do not always win; slow and steady wins the race.

6. Drive Defensively

Unfortunately, not all drivers on the road are willing to follow traffic and safety laws. It is essential to drive defensively and to protect yourself. We share the road with countless other people, and it is important to be aware of what they are doing, stay alert, and drive defensively.

Contact Bear River Mutual Insurance

With more distractions on the road than ever before, it is crucial that everyone drive safely. To ensure your safety, make sure you have auto insurance from Bear River Mutual Insurance. We provide affordable insurance from the best carriers that will give you the peace of mind you deserve.

Contact our experts to get your free auto insurance quote today! We have three convenient locations in Salt Lake City, Provo, and Orem, Utah.

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