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What Are My Car Insurance Options?

What are my Car Insurance Options?

Purchasing car insurance is one of the smartest investments a driver can make, and it’s essentially a rite of passage.

There are many different types of car insurance available to drivers. The most common include liability, personal injury protection, collision, comprehensive, medical payments, uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, and more. Like most states, Utah requires its drivers to have automobile insurance, and today, we’re looking at all of the options you might want to consider.

Read more below about which car insurance options you should consider.

LIABILITY AUTO INSURANCE — If you are responsible for causing an accident, this coverage will pay for the other driver’s medical and car repair bills. This insurance does not protect you or your passengers if an injury occurs or if your vehicle becomes damaged.

PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION — Personal injury protection, also known as PIP and no-fault insurance, covers medical expenses in the event of a wreck, regardless of whose fault the wreck is. This insurance covers you, members of your household, and your passengers, and other drivers. Utah is one of 15 states that require PIP.

COLLISION INSURANCE — Collision insurance will pay to fix or replace your car after a wreck. Most states do not require collision insurance, but if you’re leasing your vehicle or have a loan, your finance company likely requires it. 

COMPREHENSIVE CAR INSURANCE — This insurance precuts you and your car against damages other than an accident, including theft, natural disasters, or falling objects. It is typically optional unless your finance company requires it. Collision and comprehensive insurance are often purchased together.

MEDICAL PAYMENTS — Medical payments (MedPay) is similar to PIP but is much more limited. It covers medical expenses that are wreck-related for you, any of your passengers, household members, and other policyholders. This coverage supplements health insurance and can cover copays and deductibles.

UNINSURED OR UNDERINSURED MOTORIST COVERAGE — Unfortunately, many irresponsible drivers break the law and drive their vehicles without car insurance, while others do not have adequate coverage. If you are in an accident caused by one of these drivers, this insurance can pay for your medical bills and vehicle repairs. It is required by close to half of the states, but Utah is not one of them.

GUARANTEED AUTO PROTECTION (GAP) — A hard truth for all is that vehicles depreciate as time goes by. Your car may become so damaged in a serious accident that it is worth less than what you own on your loan or lease. GAP insurance will pay the difference between what you owe on your car and what your vehicle is worth.

RENTAL REIMBURSEMENT — When your car is in the shop, getting repairs under a claim, rental reimbursement will cover the cost of a rental vehicle, allowing you to stay on the road. There are limits as to how much per day and per claim the insurer will pay, but it should be enough to cover costs for a rental the entire time you need one.

Contact Bear River Mutual Insurance

For the best, most affordable car insurance options from the best carrier around, contact the professionals at Bear River Mutual Insurance. When you switch to Bear River Mutual, you will receive coverage for accidents you cause, accidental damage to your vehicle caused by you or weather-related incidents, or if another driver hits you. If you live in Provo, Orem, Salt Lake City, or a surrounding area in Utah, fill out our contact form for a free quote today.

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