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5 Reasons You Need Renter’s Insurance

5 Reasons You Need Renter’s Insurance


Did you know that two thirds of renters don’t have rental insurance? That is a frightful number of renters who are unprotected and potentially liable.


There are many reasons people give for not getting renter’s insurance, but they aren’t truly justified. Some renter’s wrongfully assume they’ll be covered under the landlord’s insurance, but that only protects the structure itself. Others believe that they really don’t have that many assets, therefore a loss wouldn’t be covered or all that much to lose.


But probably the majority of renters believe that renter’s insurance is expensive and worthless. We’re here to set those two thirds of uninsured renter’s straight. Here are the 5 Reasons You Need Renter’s Insurance


  1. Loss Protection. You could incur damage or loss for a wide range of reasons while renting your current place. Think about how much you actually own, and you may be surprised, because the average renter owns around $15,000 worth of their personal property. In the event of a plane or car accident, fire or explosion, crimes of any type, or environmental factors (probably not flood or earthquake, though), your belongings are protected by your renter’s insurance.
  2. To Meet Requirements. Many landlords and some states require renter’s to procure insurance for their own protection, which helps them use their own insurance effectively as well.
  3. Travel Protection. Did you know your policy will also cover your belongings if they’re not in your rental home? If you have something stolen while on vacation, it can still be covered by your renter’s insurance.
  4. Liability. Renter’s insurance isn’t just about your stuff. It’s also about things that happen in and around your rental. You can be sued if someone is injured in or on your premises, but renter’s insurance can cover it and protect you.
  5. It’s Affordable. Considering all that your renter’s insurance can cover, it’s quite affordable to pay around $150 a year. Your policy may differ according to your location and the coverage you need, but most people pay under $200 per year. If you think you’re paying too much, shop around and be sure to compare Bear River Insurance to your policy.


What does your personal renter’s insurance cover? We can’t say for sure. But we can tell you more about our affordable and powerful renter’s insurance policies which can protect you, your belongings, and your liability in your rental property.



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