Being a good tenant means a more positive experience for all—and a good reference for you!
With a few simple tips, you can turn your renting experience into a great experience with a positive outcome. Be a courteous tenant and have a good relationship with your landlord by following these rules.
Pay Rent on Time
It may seem like a no-brainer, but if you want to stay on your landlord’s good side, pay your rent on time. Many tenants believe there is some sort of grace period and they can consistently pay their rent a few days late. You may be able to do that without any sort of late fee, but you are still paying your rent late—which means frustration for your landlord and possibly a bad reference for you when you leave. Make it easier on yourself and your landlord—pay your rent before it’s due.
Read Your Lease
Renters are commonly too lazy to actually read their lease, leaving them without a knowledge of the property or the rental agreement. This is a binding legal contract between you and your landlord before you sign it—read it! Know the rules of the rental space. Are you allow to have pets? How long is your lease? Can you make decorative changes or remodel things? Be sure you are informed about the place you live.
Be a Good Neighbor
Part of being a good tenant is being a respectful and courteous neighbor. Getting on the bad side of a neighbor could lead to some struggle with your landlord. Don’t make your landlord mediate arguments between you and your neighbor, sort out any disagreements respectfully, as adults. Make yourself a good addition to the development, your landlord will want to keep you around longer.
Communication is key for any successful relationship, this includes tenants and landlords. If you have a question about something, ask before you do it. Better to communicate beforehand and avoid potential problems. When there is a problem, be clear about what caused it. Even if you or your child or your dog caused it. The source will likely come out anyway, so be clear and upfront about it. Communicate any problems and damages that arise quickly and clearly.
Respect Your Living Space
Keep your home in good condition. Leaving your living space the same or even better than it was when you found it will surely put you on your landlord’s good side. Though this is not your house or your apartment, be respectful. Be clean, replace and repair damaged items. No matter how nice you are to your landlord, if you leave your rental space in distress, you will not get a good reference.
Be Understanding
Landlords are busy people and are often overseeing multiple areas and multiple people. Be clear and communicative about any problems that arise, and then be patient. Understand that they may tend to higher priority things first. They may need to fix your neighbor’s heater before they address your squeaky door.
Of course, while renting you should always have renters insurance. If you need a quote contact us today!